Posts tagged skvilhaug
How to Get Healthy Glowing Skin in Winter

Winter weather takes a toll on our skin. The cold, dry air can leave our complexions pale, dehydrated and lifeless. But with the right self-care routine you can help your skin combat the elements. We’ve put together a list of 10 natural, highly-rated skincare products that can help with itchy skin, dry skin and a wide range of other skin issues to moisturize, condition, soothe and repair damage.  

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The Butterfly Shaped Gland: Your Thyroid and How it Affects Your Health

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck just below the Adam's apple. Making sure that the thyroid gland is healthy and functioning properly is crucial to the body's overall well-being. We talked to a leading endocrinologist to gain s insight on thyroid problems, thyroid medication, what you can do to maintain optimal thyroid health and more!

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