Suzanne Kvilhaug

Suzanne Kvilhaug is a writer and brand consultant for health, wellness, and natural product companies. She received her certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University and has been happily vegan since 2010. Going vegan is the single best decision she's ever made and she encourages anyone who feels it's their truth to give it a shot. Many years ago she began trying to figure out the perfect formula for wellness and then realized there isn't one. Finding what makes you healthy, happy and fulfilled is a trial and error process that may be never-ending...but worth every second.
More About Her:
Favorite Restaurant: Peacefood in NYC and Garden Grille in Rhode Island
Your order at a juice bar: Kale, apples, lemon, and ginger.
Food you can't live without: Basmati rice!
Fitness routine: A mix of HIIT, running, walking, barre and yoga make me the happiest and work best for my body.
Biggest believer that: Your inner voice has the answers. You just need the courage to block out the noise of the world and follow it.
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