Charcoal is a natural treatment that can benefit the body in ways from whitening your teeth to reducing cholesterol and even reversing the effects of some types of poisoning. So, we break down a few tricks worth trying to boost your overall beauty and wellness routine.
Read MoreIt’s more critical than ever to reevaluate how you treat others and challenge yourself to do better. Nothing bad and so much good can come from strengthening and improving your relationships. Feelin’ the love? Heed this advice from qualified relationship experts.
Read MoreFortunately for those of us who prefer to look younger than we are, there are plenty of ways to accomplish that feat that don’t involve elusive fountains, surgical needles, or patent-pending mud masks with questionable ingredients. Check it:
Read MoreThe joke about vegans is that they never shut up about being vegans. But vegans do appear to live morally pure lives, sacrificing lots of convenient foods, restaurants, and even BBQs. So here it is, a beginners’ guide to giving up animal products.
Read MoreClean Sleep is about getting the most out of every night’s shuteye. And, yes, as you can imagine, getting clean sleep is going to require you to alter a few things about your routine. But, trust us, it’s worth it. Here’s how you do it:
Read MoreNow that medical marijuana is legal in 31 states, the move to legalize it nationally is well underway. Which means we’re learning more and more about what marijuana can do for our health. Here’s a list of all of the benefits of toking and snacking on pot.
Read MoreIn recent years news headlines shout that tick season will be “worse than ever,” so we asked a medical professional, Dr. Mollie Jewett, to answer our most burning, random questions about Lyme disease and ticks for our benefit and yours.
Read MoreLet’s face it: grocery shopping is a chore, but luckily, it’s 2018 and there are more resources out there than ever before to make our lives easier. Before you find the right grocery delivery service for you, here’s a “pros” list of why you should try online grocery shopping in the first place.
Read MoreIs boxing good cardio? Absolutely. Is boxing cardio or strength training? It’s both! Boxing is the perfect fitness activity for any workout program whether your goal is to build strength, lose weight or just add variety to your routine. Find a heavy bag and give boxing a shot!
Read MoreThere are a lot of snack lists out there that involve just a liiiiiittle bit too much effort at times and sometimes, you just need a good, processed, pre-packaged snack that you can throw in your bag, stash in a drawer, and pop open when hunger hits.
Read MoreHere are the best skincare products to protect your gorgeous mug this summer and to prime your face for the no-makeup look on days when, really, honestly!, you’re not wearing makeup ;)
Read MoreIt seems like every day there’s a new exercise to work your body- CrossFit, HIIT, TRX, PiYo, and while all of them are no doubt effective, it’s important to know the difference to be able to find an exercise trend you like. Read on for the low-down on a few of the most popular classes out today.
Read MoreIndependence Day is upon us! Whether you’re hosting a red, white, and blue bash or you’re planning to picnic hop, this major midsummer holiday is the perfect excuse to get festive. We searched the ends of the digital pinboard for the yummiest, most stylish, adorable pins to ensure this year’s 4th of July is the most fun yet.
Read MoreWe’ve rounded up five of the best fitness apps on the App Store today that cost way less than a monthly membership to a studio or gym. Low investment, but a high chance of being rewarded with the summer body you’ve been working toward.
Read MoreIt’s officially bikini season and there’s one accessory we’d all like to sport: a flat belly. If you didn’t start working on your summer fitness goals as early as you should’ve, don’t panic, here are some quick, easy exercises that will help you tone up in the tummy area before you hit the beach.
Read MoreRenowned hypnotherapist Grace Smith is on a mission to make hypnosis more mainstream and has helped everyone from celebrities to athletes to CEOs heal with hypnosis. To get to the bottom of what it really is—and how it can help with common issues many of us deal with read on!
Read MoreSkin care is in --it’s what’s behind an effortless no-makeup makeup look and how you can ensure you’re really taking care of yourself inside and out. In order to make your life just a little bit easier we gave you a list of non-toxic skin care brands that are safe to shop for and will leave your skin feeling better than ever.
Read MoreThere’s really no one better qualified to tell you about strong coffee than Teah Teriele, marketing manager at Death Wish Coffee. We asked her to give us a foolproof method of coffee brewing that gives you the smoothest, strongest, best-tasting cup of coffee you can get.
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